Pam Savory, Breathwork Metamorphosis
I am a Mother, Grandmother, Wife, Capricorn with Libra rising, HSP, and solopreneur extraordinaire.
Born in Oregon, I grew up as a mystical child in the heartlands of North Carolina. My upbringing was in an oppressive and emotionally stunted home where I experienced trauma. When I was in my 40’s, my body starting exhibiting chronic pain and I ended up being very ill for 2-1/2 years. I was diagnosed with Lupus and Trigeminal Neuralgia. Over the next 25 years, I became a healer and teacher while simultaneously doing my own healing on myself. My cabinet full of prescription drugs got replaced with natural remedies and, most importantly, I found the healing power of my own breath.
Once I harnessed the healing power within me I got my Masters in Psycho-Spiritual Studies and began mentoring those who were suffering. I added Reiki Master to my growing list of healing modalities and also spent 17 years facilitating and training people in Shamanic Breathwork™. It was during this time I founded the non-profit Freedom Rising Spiritual Community, an organization that is flourishing today and fueled by a group of extraordinary human beings. In 2019, I courageously obeyed the call to walk my own emerging path and began leading and teaching Breathwork Metamorphosis. To date, I have served thousands of individuals with many workshops on topics ranging from women’s empowerment to emotional intelligence, consciously empathic, Gene Keys and more and have witnessed transformations that warms my heart every single day.