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Winter Solstice Circle with Meagan Dedrick

  • Wild Hearts Wellness 4230 Northeast Fremont Street Portland, OR, 97213 United States (map)

Winter is a magical time of transformation and deep internal work - it is itself a ritual. A ritual through darkness that brings us renewal and rebirth. It’s a time of quiet, rest, peace, and stillness that will lead us to a beautiful unfolding as we prepare for the blooming of spring.

This sacred circle, guided by Maegan Dedrick, is offered as a healing and restorative space for us to come together and connect, lift each other up, receive support, and anchor back into ourselves, our breath, and our bodies.

Sacred Ceremony and Ritual: Our circle will begin with some grounding breath and will include a guided meditation, shared ritual, movement, and time for journaling and sharing.

Encouragement and Support: This circle is an intentional space created for being heard without interruption, for listening without judgment or giving advice, and for pausing to reconnect with our own inner wisdom and knowing.

Please register here:

You’ll receive an email with all of the details you’ll need to join us including what to bring, a playlist, and an essential oil blend recipe related to the theme of the evening.

Sacred Circle guided by Maegan Dedrick

Cost: $25

Limit 10 participants

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